
Bears and Puppies

In Arts and Entertainment on June 26, 2010 at 11:36 pm

By Chris Robin

In Philadelphia, a small playground is home to three bears. I saw them the other day while playing with Mike and Stephanie’s three children, Lily, Lenny, and Louis. They kept my attention, and had a feeling I knew who made them. After sending this photograph with the query: “Are these by Heinz W.?” to my ever inquisitive and capable mother, I got a curious response:


“No, but same period.

Paul Manship was the most famous of the many many
sculptors who made this kind of figure mostly in the 30s 40s and 50s.

I looked these up. They are 1966 by Sherl Joseph Winter who lived in Mt. Airy.

You may remember him.

He and his wife came over and bought a puppy from Loki’s first litter.”


Loki was my first dog.


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